What an amazing article. You have an excellent newsletter. I have family in the Blackwater Valley, they live in Fermoy. I grew up in San Francisco we used to go to the County Cork and County Kerry picnics, and we had neighbors who'd immigrated from Belfast. One of the sons, I used to play with, Brendan Riley later went back in the early 70s and I heard he was killed in the fighting.

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Thanks very much for the kind words Kathy. appreciate the newsletter’s a bit niche, but I’ve found a lot of other people like yourself who have immigrated (or their families) from Ireland or the UK and find it interesting. I tried doing a quick search for your fiend, but unfortunately, nothing yet. If I find anything, or come across any info as I travel through the timeline, I’ll be sure to let you know. Thanks again.

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My Irish ancestors left in 1849 GGG grandmother (she was 16) and her 3 older sisters traveling alone from Ireland to Panama, where they crossed the isthmus by mule then took another ship up the Pacific coast to California where they flourished. She married my GGG grandfather a French Creole from New Orleans who’d come west in 1849 looking for gold.

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That's an amazing back story! I love it when people know the history of the family.

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